[Tex/LaTex] Texmaker: showing the same old pdf


I recently installed Mepis on my computer, so I had to install LiveTex, TeXmaker, etc. from scratch. Everything works fine in TeXmaker, except for the .pdf. Every time I compile and want to see the .pdf, I get an old version. No messages of errors, no nothing appears, so I don't know what could it be. I tried with changing the options in Configure TeXmaker: Built-in viewer, Built-in viewer + Embed, and External viewer (Okular in my case). I closed the .pdf when I compiled, but still: the same old .pdf is there.I even tried deleting the .pdf from the directory, then run Quick built, and got an error (No file found).

Any ideas?

Best Answer

I've had the same cryptic problem twice before where new documents won't compile and TexMaker throws no errors and just loads the previous successfully compiled pdf.

As the OP's answer suggests, this is an issue with TexMaker not having access to the proper latex packages. I had the same issue on windows, I resolved it by installing MikTeX which loaded all the necessary latex packages on my system, then reinstalling TexMaker again.

I believe I got the original error because I installed TexMaker before I had any latex packages installed on my machine.