[Tex/LaTex] Texmaker not compiling references


I am using Texmaker and Miktex, and having issues to compile the references. In my latex file:


I am using quick build: pdfLaTeX+View PDF.

When I compile it gets printed linke this:
enter image description here

When I compile the same file in ShareLatex it works perfect, so must be some configuration errors.

Do anyone know what the errors are?
enter image description here

Running Biber manually returns:

INFO - This is Biber 2.2
INFO - Logfile is 'main.blg'
INFO - Reading 'main.bcf'
WARN - Warning: Found biblatex control file version 2.9, expected version 2.8
INFO - Found 46 citekeys in bib section 0 
INFO - Processing section 0
INFO - Looking for bibtex format file 'citations.bib' for section 0
INFO - Decoding LaTeX character macros into UTF-8
INFO - Found BibTeX data source 'citations.bib'
WARN - Duplicate entry key: '7027553' in file 'citations.bib', skipping ...
WARN - Entry ok2006 does not parse correctly
WARN - ISBN '159829556X, 9781598295566' in entry 'Hoelzle' is invalid - run biber with '--validate_datamodel' for details.
WARN - Datamodel: Entry 'oracle' (citations.bib): Invalid format 'n.d' of date field 'date' - ignoring
ERROR - BibTeX subsystem: C:\Users\BILALA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\AI_7lm2bHk\citations.bib_7640.utf8, line 585, syntax error: at end of input, expected one of: name (entry type, key, field, or macro name) or end of entry ("}" or ")")

Process exited with error(s)

Best Answer

Check if the Default Bibliography Tool is set to txs:///biber If so, run Biber alone from the menu (Tools > Commands > Biber), and then compile it again, should work.

Have you tried to delete the .aux file? Sometimes if it's generated with a bug or something it's faster to remove and re-compile.