[Tex/LaTex] TeXmaker and El Capitan, Spinning beachball of death


I upgraded to El Capitan and since then i haven't been able to compile. I found som helt that MacTex have been moved from /usr/texbin to /Library/TeX/texbin/ and changed the paths. I can now compile some of my Tex documents while others makes my computer go into some infinity-loop and overheating…

Differences between the documents i can and can't compile seems to be either if they contain TiKZ or Biblatex? but i'm not sure.enter image description here

Here is a picture of my setting i TeXmaker:

Solution looks like:
enter image description here
enter image description here

Best Answer

This is what I have done to configure my TexMaker and it has worked. I use Xetex for font and a variety of math tools. As far as I understand it is from Apple's side( the problem) and by adhering to the new OS rules of not to touch User we can make Tex maker run from different root

This is what I have done to configure my TexMaker and it has worked. I use Xetex for font and a variety of math tools. As far as I understand it is from Apple's side( the problem) and by adhering to the new OS rules of not to touch /usr we can make Tex maker run from different root