[Tex/LaTex] TeX macro idioms, or: understanding advanced macros


I often find that when I look at solutions from the experts here, the macro definitions are completely inscrutable to me. Trying to use standard techniques one would use to understand code in most programming languages often isn't helpful; for example, I find that chasing definitions using show can bottom out in something that still doesn't make sense (to me).

Now, @David Carlisle has just very kindly taught me a TeX idiom which suddenly makes a lot of macros make sense. This question is largely motivated by a desire to share that with other people at my level. It's asking for descriptions of any common idioms that:

  1. occur frequently in packages and answers from experts here
  2. are doing something that isn't obvious from just understanding the commands. (For example, lccode used to something that has nothing to do with lowercase characters.)

The idiom I've just learnt is going into an answer below, and should help illustrate what I mean.

Best Answer

One of the more frustrating features of TeX's macro-expansion based language is that the control code and the code it controls can interact unexpectedly. This means that if you want a conditional block \ifwhatever...\fi to control some macro \macro that affects stuff after the block, you need to leapfrog \macro to finish the conditional first:

<stuff taken as an argument by \macro>

You see, the \expandafter eats the \fi before \macro can. Using this trick, you can write some code that conditionally executes some following code. Say you have a conditional \ifwhatever, and you want to execute <code> if it is true, but not if it is false. Then you can write (here I am assuming \makeatletter is active):


This can be generalized if you want to select among two different pieces of code, which by the way is how the LaTeX-style conditionals \ifwhatever{<true code>}{<false code>} work:

{<code 1>}
{<code 2>}

I wouldn't advise doing this with more than one conditional, though: if you want to execute <code> when \ifwhatever or \ifnot is true, you have to write:


This profusion of \expandafters is to skip \@firstoftwo or \@gobble and expand first one token, then another after it, before going back to expand the macro you actually want once there is nothing in its way.

Of course, the technique of using multiple \expandafters to skip ahead is itself an idiom. For example, you can expand the first token in a group once:


or twice:


or three times:


and you see the pattern. I may as well explain why this works. When the first \expandafter goes off, it expands in turn the third, then the first in the next row, then the first in the following row, and finally, \macro. The intervening tokens are not expanded in this "run", but just stuck back in order. The effect is that every other column of \expandafters vanishes, \macro is expanded once, and then TeX starts expanding again with what is now the first \expandater, which was the second. The configuration has become the one for expanding \macro twice, and so we end up expanding it three times.

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