[Tex/LaTex] Template for American Journal of Psychiatry


At https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/ajp_ifora I find a detailed list of requirements associated with submitting an article to the American Journal of Psychiatry:

All parts of the manuscript or letter to the Editor, including case
reports, quotations, references, and tables, must be double-spaced
throughout. The manuscript should be arranged in the following order,
with each item beginning a new page: 1) cover letter, 2) title page,
3) abstract, 4) text, 5) references, and 6) tables and/or figures. All
pages must be numbered.


The cover letters should include statements regarding
Authorship, Disclosure, and Copyright Transfer. Also, it must include
a list of 4 suggested reviewers and their e-mail addresses.


Word count. The number of words in the manuscript (including abstract,
text, and references) and the number of tables and figures should be
noted in the upper right-hand corner of the title page. Tables and
figures are no longer included in the word count.

Title. The title should be informative and as brief as possible.
Journal style for titles is not to use declarative sentences.

Byline. See instructions for Authorship. Authors’ first names are
preferred over initials. Degrees should be included after each
author’s name.

Previous presentation. If the paper has been presented at a meeting,
give the name of the meeting, the location, and the inclusive dates.

Location of work and address for reprints. Provide the department,
institution, city, and state where the work was done. Include a full
address for the author who is to receive correspondence and reprint

Disclosures and acknowledgments. In a separate paragraph, all
potential conflicts of interest…

I used the apa6e documentclass to write an article which gives me some of these requirements very nicely, but I'd like to incorporate the cover letter and the title page as described here too (with continuous page numbering in all 6 sections). My documentclass gives me a titlepage (with \maketitle) but it doesn't create all the other fields required above (word count, location of work and address for reprints, disclosures, et. al.). I used a \authornote for a kind of disclosure, and I suppose it would suffice, but how can I create all these other fields? I realize that word count is difficult to automate, so I could fill it in by hand, but creating a field for it on the title page is beyond my skills. Plus, handling the continuous page-numbering throughout all six sections of the document escapes me too.

Is there another documentclass for such a manuscript submission that would contain all these sections and fields? How do other folks do this?


So I've been strugging with this in my spare time since posting, and my comment below about just using a \newpage is clearly rather naive. I suppose that the typesetting engine sees all this text before the title page as just more article whereas what I really need is some kind of letter environment or documentclass within my existing documentclass of apa6e.

For example, I need to be able to write a nicely formatted letter with originating address, recipient address, salutation, body, closing, signature block, and all that.

I know I could write a separate document using a letter documentclass, but I need the page-numbering to be continuous (see AJP requirements above).

So if there's no existing documentclass to handle submitting a manuscript to AJP using LaTeX, then does anyone know how I can make a special environment within my existing documentclass that will allow me to easily write a simple cover letter?


The cover letter should look like this, but according to the requirements, it must be the first page of the entire document with a continuous (contiguous?) page-numbering scheme from item 1 (cover letter) to item 6 (tables and/or figures). I have only items 1-5 (no tables or figures), and items 3, 4, and 5 are perfectly handled by the apa6e documentclass, but the title page (though almost complete according to these requirements) is not quite complete, lacking a word count field and a table/figure count field in the upper right-hand corner of the title page. I would fill in the word count by hand, of course, as I think all the automatic word count programs are not quite perfectly accurate.

Sample Cover Letter Image

Best Answer

Here is a cover letter as shown except for the date location (maybe someone can advice us on how to change its location unless that doesn't matter).

In the main document, you add \usepackage{pdfpages} and where you want the letter you put \includepdf[pages = 1]{coverletter.pdf}. The pages = option is what page you want to insert the cover letter.

Here is a link to the package documentation: http://www.ctan.org/pkg/pdfpages

% Margins                                                                           
\topmargin = -1in
\textheight = 8.5in
\oddsidemargin = -10pt
\textwidth = 6.5in
    My Name\\
    U of Research\\
    Some address\\
    Some city, state, and zip code\\
    Some phone number\\
    My e-mail address\\
    Dr. John Edit\\
    \textit{Journal of Science}
    My Name\\
    Professor, Dep ...\\
    U of Research
  \opening{Dear Dr. Edit:}

enter image description here

Here was a sample main.tex I created.

% this section enclosed was lifted from Alan Munn

\includepdf[addtotoc = {1, section, 1, Cover Letter, coverl}, pagecommand =
% addtotoc has {section number (first so it occurs after the toc, 
% type it could chapter, section, etc, level refers to chapter...,
% the name in toc, and reference label


Since this was 3 pages, I had to take unorthodox pictures to show it achieves your request.

Table of Contents correctly ordered:

enter image description here

Bottom of TOC page with letter following:

enter image description here

Bottom of the letter page numbered in correct order:

enter image description here

Bottom of the letter followed by the first section which has been indexed to the section 2.

enter image description here