[Tex/LaTex] Template for a German CV with moderncv


I currently need to write a CV in German and decided to with moderncv.
I find the class quite good. One issue I have is that the content and style of a German CV can be quite different than one for USA or another country. Does anyone have a template file (i.e. a complete document with dummy data) for a German CV (Lebenslauf, Bewerbungsschreiben)? This could be an already successfully used CV where the personal content has been replaced by fillers.

I think a complete template would be most useful, not just for me, but also for others, especially LaTeX beginners.

Best Answer

This is not a template, but a way how I did my CV, always successful:

  • Using a scrlttr2 template for a nice cover letter (Anschreiben)
  • Using scrartcl for the CV (Lebenslauf)
    • For tabular CV tabularx and booktabs (tabellarischer Lebenslauf)
    • Defining a macro for CV categories, for easy final adjustments of widths and spacing
  • Including scans of certificates and testimonials via pdfpages
  • If you would like to have the same header and footer on all pages as in your cover letter, an easy way would be creating an "empty letter" and including its PDF output by atbegshi or everyshi in the CV or in the attachment with scans.

This way I get a clean tabular CV as I want it, I don't like using a fancy ready-made template. To make it look great, I use LaTeX ;-) and its great extensions like microtype and more, getting letter and CV which look much better than the usual wordprocessor documents.