[Tex/LaTex] Technical Drawing Using LaTeX


I wanted to draw this particular image in LaTeX but I don't know where to start:


I have no minimal working example I am just asking for directions please don't ridicule me.

Best Answer

Here is a Metapost solution that takes a different approach.

enter image description here

The shape is drawn as a very thick line and then the inside is erased.

prologues := 3;
outputtemplate := "%j%c.eps";
path s; s = ( (-1,1) -- (-1,-1) {dir -34} .. {dir 34} (1,-1) -- (1,1) ) scaled 1cm;
linecap := butt;
draw s withpen pencircle scaled 3pt;
draw s withpen pencircle scaled 2pt withcolor background;

Here are some links for more information about Metapost

I don't know of any technical drawing books that specifically deal with Metapost, but Knuth's own Metafont book is very helpful for learning the core of the MP language (since it is more or less identical to Metafont).

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