Tcolorbox – How to Reference Boxes in Tcolorbox


with use of tcolorbox package I define the following boxes, which are aware whether they are on even or on odd page:

enter image description here

enter image description here

the mwe for above boxes is:


\newtcolorbox[use counter=task,
              number within=section,
              number freestyle={\thesection-\noexpand\arabic{\tcbcounter}},
   {enhanced jigsaw,
    toggle left and right,
    colback=white, colframe=red,
    borderline={0.5pt}{0pt}{red, sharp corners},
    fontupper=\normalsize\sffamily, fontlower=\normalsize\sffamily,
    \tcbifoddpage{\node[font=\large\sffamily, text=red, inner sep=0mm,
                        below right=0mm and \marginparsep] at (frame.north east) {Vaja
                 {\node[font=\large\sffamily, text=red, inner sep=0mm,
                        below left=0mm and \marginparsep]  at (frame.north west) {Vaja
        }%end of overlay
    }% end of task


    \begin{vaja}\label{task:ce-1}% label hasn't any effect
    \begin{vaja}\label{task:ce-2}% label hasn't any effect
see \ref{task:ce-1}
see \ref{task:ce-1} and \ref{task:ce-2}% doesn't work

I did not initially anticipate references, but now I realized that this would be a very useful option. naive approach of referencing in above doesn't work …

  • what should i change in definition of "vaja", that referencing be possible?

  • i suspect that in box definition i should use title, but how to insert it definition that the box design be preserved?

Best Answer

You need to use label=... option to the self-defined tcolorbox, therefore I added an optional argument to the vaja box.

If cleveref is used, say crefname=... in the init options in order to provide for the correct cleveref reference names.


tcolorbox has a phantom= key -- every argument to phantom will added to a list and stored in a \sbox macro -- this is true for the \refstepcounter macro for the internal counter of the tcolorbox as well, such that the redefined \@currentlabel gets lost. Any \label outside of the same phantom=... key command will not grab the correct \@currentlabel then.

The label=... option however places \label directly after the \refstepcounter in the phantom 'group' → the \@currentlabel is stored correctly and 'survives'.


\newtcolorbox[use counter=task,
              number within=section,
              number freestyle={\thesection-\noexpand\arabic{\tcbcounter}},
   {enhanced jigsaw,
    toggle left and right,
    colback=white, colframe=red,
    borderline={0.5pt}{0pt}{red, sharp corners},
    fontupper=\normalsize\sffamily, fontlower=\normalsize\sffamily,
    \tcbifoddpage{\node[font=\large\sffamily, text=red, inner sep=0mm,
                        below right=0mm and \marginparsep] at (frame.north east) {Vaja
                 {\node[font=\large\sffamily, text=red, inner sep=0mm,
                        below left=0mm and \marginparsep]  at (frame.north west) {Vaja
        },%end of overlay
    }% end of task


    \begin{vaja}[label=task:ce-1]% label hasn't any effect
    \begin{vaja}[label={task:ce-2}]% label hasn't any effect
see \ref{task:ce-1}
see \ref{task:ce-1} and \ref{task:ce-2}% doesn't work

enter image description here

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