[Tex/LaTex] tcolorbox: change background of a part of the body


I have a tcolorbox with various "part" separated by \tcbline and would like to change the background of two of the (e.g. the second and the forth. Has someone a good idea how to do it?



Best Answer

I would do such stuff by using a tcbraster or tcbitemize inside an outer tcolorbox. The following code example creates colored stripes in blue and red, but every stripe could be given an individual color:



      colbacktitle=yellow!20,coltitle=black,title=Box with interior raster,
      colback=blue!10,clip upper]
    \begin{tcbitemize}[raster columns=1,raster equal skip=0pt,
        sharp corners,boxrule=0pt,
        raster odd row/.style={empty},
        raster even row/.style={tile,colback=red!10}]

  The same with a new environment:

      colbacktitle=yellow!20,coltitle=black,title=Box with interior raster,
      colback=blue!10,clip upper]%
    \begin{tcbitemize}[raster columns=1,raster equal skip=0pt,
        sharp corners,boxrule=0pt,
        raster odd row/.style={empty},
        raster even row/.style={tile,colback=red!10}]%



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