[Tex/LaTex] Tabularx option in tcolorbox: how to colored the first row


I like to have the first row in table make with tcolorbox with tabularx option with different color as it is in the other rows. I try to use \rowcolor{<color>}, but i received error:

Misplaced \noalign.

If I add \\ before \rowcolor{...}, error disappear, however as expected, new empty row is introduced… Is this a bug or do I miss something ? MwE, which show the problem is bellow.



        fonttitle=\sffamily\bfseries, fontupper=\small\sffamily,
        colback=yellow!10!white, colframe=red!50!black,
        #1                  }% end tctabularx

    &   \thead{IIR}                         \\
    končni impulzni odziv $h[n]$
    &   neskončni impulzni odziv $h[n]$     \\
    sistemska funkcija je polinom
    &   sistemska funkcija je racionalna\newline
        (ulomek dveh polinomov)             \\
    zahtevnejša izvedba
    &   manj zahtevna izvedba               \\

Best Answer

Try the before upper app={\rowcolor{yellow!30!white} key -- code which is introduced before the first line of tabularx is shipped out.

(See section 18.1 'hooks' of the current (3.72) manual of tcolorbox)



  fonttitle=\sffamily\bfseries, fontupper=\small\sffamily,
  colback=yellow!10!white, colframe=red!50!black,
  #1,before upper app={\rowcolor{yellow!30!white}}
                    }% end tctabularx

  &   \thead{IIR}                         \\
  končni impulzni odziv $h[n]$
     &   neskončni impulzni odziv $h[n]$     \\
     sistemska funkcija je polinom
     &   sistemska funkcija je racionalna\newline
     (ulomek dveh polinomov)             \\
     zahtevnejša izvedba
     &   manj zahtevna izvedba               \\

enter image description here

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