[Tex/LaTex] tabularx option in tcolorbox


I'd like to use the recently introduced (in version 2.10) tabularx key for the tcolorbox package. The key is documented in the tcolorbox documentation, section 3.6, paragraph /tcb/tabularx, page 28.
I have the latest versin of the package (2.20).

I can't seem to reproduce the examples given there nor a simplified one like this:


cell A & Cell B\\\hline
cell C & Cell D


What I got is an undefined control sequence error in \begin{tcolorbox}[tabularx={X|X},title=table] and this output:
enter image description here

The colorname printed in the left side is the default value of the colframe option, i.e., if you add colframe=red in the tcolorbox options, the word "red" will be printed out.
Am I hitting a bug or did I miss something?

Best Answer

There appears to be a dependency on colortbl

enter image description here


cell A & Cell B\\\hline
cell C & Cell D

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