[Tex/LaTex] tabularx “Missing number, treated as zero” error


error: ! Missing number, treated as zero.

l.16 \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}
{x x x x}





\caption{nice and looooooooooooooooong caption}
Reference  & hi;& glt;& flfl \\
\citet{TM83}  & rlkul $\delta^ugil$ and $\delta^{13}C$  & Winter season  & -0.5  ($\delta^ugil$)  \\
      &       &       &   0.6 {($\delta^{49}Ca$)}  \\
\citet{BMM94}  & $\delta^ugil$  & January  & -0.44 \\
\citet{BMM94}  & $\delta^ugil$  & vsdewfwgrggbr & 0.44 \\
\citet{TM83} & YRO KJL & rwegfwEFGWER GWEGFLNN FDSLNFLNFL FLNF NFSDNFNF  & 0.44-0.57\tnote{*}  \\
\citet{BMM94} & jo\rq{}h;hk; & mhljk;lyi; & 0.43-0.80\tnote{*}  \\
\item[*]dSGhl;i\rq{}iupf,hjl \\ \item[**] fdhfg

the very complicated custom style file:

\usepackage{geometry} % to change the page dimensions
\geometry{a4paper} % or letterpaper (US) or a5paper or....
\geometry{top=1.0in, bottom=1.5in, left=1in, right=1in}
%%spacing between lines
\setlength{\parskip}{0.2cm plus1mm minus1mm}%space between paragraphs
\usepackage[nodisplayskipstretch]{setspace}%option for removing space before and after equations
% Activate to begin paragraphs with an empty line rather than an indent\usepackage[parfill]{parskip} 
% support the \includegraphics command and options
%\usepackage{booktabs} % for much better looking tables
\usepackage{floatrow}%for side captions
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}%for proper characters
% for rotating floats
%for subfigures and tables
%for long tables
%\usepackage[hyphens]{url}%url wrapping
\usepackage[allcolors=blue,colorlinks=true]{hyperref}%no boxes for links
\usepackage[noabbrev,capitalize]{cleveref}%automatic table /figure before refs
\creflabelformat{equation}{#2\textup{#1}#3}%remove brackets around eq nos
\usepackage[osf,sc]{mathpazo} %for upright math
\usepackage{wasysym} %for per mil sign
\usepackage{array} % for better arrays (eg matrices) in maths
\usepackage{paralist} % very flexible & customisable lists (eg. enumerate/itemize, etc.)
\usepackage{verbatim} % adds environment for commenting out blocks of text & for better verbatim
\usepackage{subfig} % make it possible to include more than one captioned figure/table in a single float
\usepackage[version=3]{mhchem} % for upright CO2 etc
\usepackage{wrapfig}%text wrapped figures/tables
\usepackage{calligra}%For cursive font
\usepackage{titlesec, blindtext, color}
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\definecolor{cornellred}{rgb}{0.7, 0.11, 0.11}
\definecolor{brown_w}{rgb}{0.65, 0.16, 0.16}
\titleformat{\chapter}[hang]{\normalfont\Large\bfseries}{\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter:}{1em}{} 
%to stop starting new chapter in new page
%% Get underlining for headings right
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % This should be set AFTER setting up the page geometry
\pagestyle{fancy} % options: empty , plain , fancy
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{1pt} % customise the layout...
\def\bibfont{\footnotesize} %to decrease font size of the bibliography
%%% ToC (table of contents) APPEARANCE
\usepackage[nottoc,notlof,notlot]{tocbibind} % Put the bibliography in the ToC
\newcommand{\mytilde}{\raise.17ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle\mathtt{\sim}$}} %around tilde

Best Answer

I've managed to make the code compilable but there are still some things that could be improved.





Text before the table.

Reference & some text                           & some text     & some text                     \\
TM83      & \something\ and $\delta\ce{^{13}C}$ & Winter season & $-0.5$ (\something)           \\
          &                                     &               & $ 0.6$ ($\delta\ce{^{49}Ca}$) \\
BMM94     & \something                          & January       & $-0.44$                       \\
BMM94     & \something                          & some text     & $ 0.44$                       \\
TM83      & some text                           & some text     & $ 0.44$--$0.57$\tnote{*}      \\
BMM94     & some text                           & some text     & $ 0.43$--$0.80$\tnote{**}     \\
\item[*]  some text \\
\item[**] some text

Text after the table.

