[Tex/LaTex] Tabularx and decimal alignment with dcolumn


I am trying to implement decimal alignment on a regression table using tabularx. I am using the dcolumn package to do it, but there are two problems: (i) only two out of three columns are decimally aligned, and (ii) a column is not aligned for integer variables, in my case the Number of Observations. Can anyone help me? I have tried using the siunitx package with tabularx, but it didn't work.

All solutions are welcome!



\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}                                 % Font output type
\usepackage{tabularx} % provides a column type called "X" that should satisfy your professed need to have several equal-width columns
\usepackage[labelfont=bf, labelsep=period, justification=centering, font={small,doublespacing}, skip=0pt]{caption}%define table values
%\usepackage[labelfont=bf, labelsep=period, center, scriptsize]{caption}
\usepackage[comma, sort&compress, longnamesfirst]{natbib}
\setlength{\footnotemargin}{0.5em} % just to show clearly equal output
\newcolumntype{L}{>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}X} % handy shortcut macro
\newcolumntype{R}{>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X} % handy shortcut macro
\newcolumntype{C}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}X} % handy shortcut macro
\newcolumntype{d}[1]{D{.}{\cdot}{#1}} % and yet another handy shortcut macro


\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2} %Vertically expands the table
%\addtolength{\tabcolsep}{5pt}%Horizontally expands the table
\caption{In-sample forecasting monthly excess stock returns ($R_{i,t+1}-R_{f,t+1}$).}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l l*{3}{d{-2}}}% the tabularx package gives you: the total width as a first parameter, and a new column type X, all X columns will grow to fill up the total width.
    Dependent Variable: $R_{i,t+1} - R_{f,t+1}$ & \multicolumn{1}{r}{(1)}   & (2)   & (3) \\
    Constant     &      -0.001        &      -0.001        &       0.001        \\
            &     (-0.10)        &     (-0.09)        &      (0.16)        \\
    $R_{m,t} - R_{f,t}$     &       0.111\sym{*} &       0.122\sym{**}&       0.113\sym{*} \\
            &      (1.92)        &      (2.09)        &      (1.91)        \\
$X$      &      $-1.301^{*}$ &      -1.296\sym{*} &      -1.308\sym{*} \\
            &     (-1.92)        &     (-1.91)        &     (-1.95)        \\
$Y$       &       5.900\sym{**}&       5.889\sym{**}&       5.357\sym{**}\\
            &      (2.24)        &      (2.23)        &      (2.01)        \\
$Z$       &       0.304        &       0.232        &       2.318        \\
            &      (0.03)        &      (0.03)        &      (0.26)        \\
$W$ &                    &      -0.001\sym{**}&      -0.001\sym{**}\\
            &                    &     (-2.44)        &     (-2.70)        \\
$A$      &                    &                    &      -0.056        \\
            &                    &                    &     (-0.45)        \\
N obs       &        8981        &       \multicolumn{1}{c}{8981}        &        8991        \\
$R^2$       &       0.014        &       0.015        &       0.015        \\
\item \sym{*} Scaled by 100.
  \label{panel reg_full sample}%


enter image description here

Best Answer

Please try to trim examples to just the required packages, in this case your example just needs

\usepackage{tabularx} % provides a column type called "X" that should satisfy your professed need to have several equal-width columns

\newcolumntype{d}[1]{D{.}{\cdot}{#1}} % and yet another handy shortcut macro


You have specified 5 columns, the first two l and the next three d but you only have 4 columns of data, so the third d is never used, which explains why you only get decimal alignment in two columns.

tabularx works by changing the width for line breaking in X columns you have no line breaking here and no X so it can not work as intended. Just use tabular (If you really want to over-separate the columns you could use tabular* but it just makes it harder to read the table)

Here I left two of the 8981 aligned as integers but I think column (2) with it centred as you had it is better.

enter image description here



\newcolumntype{d}[1]{D{.}{\cdot}{#1}} % and yet another handy shortcut macro


\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2} %Vertically expands the table
%\addtolength{\tabcolsep}{5pt}%Horizontally expands the table
\caption{In-sample forecasting monthly excess stock returns ($R_{i,t+1}-R_{f,t+1}$).}

\begin{tabular}{l *{3}{d{-2}}}% the tabularx package gives you: the total width as a first parameter, and a new column type X, all X columns will grow to fill up the total width.
    Dependent Variable: $R_{i,t+1} - R_{f,t+1}$ & \multicolumn{1}{c}{(1)}   & 
\multicolumn{1}{c}{(2)}   & 
\multicolumn{1}{c}{(3)} \\
    Constant     &      -0.001        &      -0.001        &       0.001        \\
            &     (-0.10)        &     (-0.09)        &      (0.16)        \\
    $R_{m,t} - R_{f,t}$     &       0.111\sym{*} &       0.122\sym{**}&       0.113\sym{*} \\
            &      (1.92)        &      (2.09)        &      (1.91)        \\
$X$      &      -1.301^{*} &      -1.296\sym{*} &      -1.308\sym{*} \\
            &     (-1.92)        &     (-1.91)        &     (-1.95)        \\
$Y$       &       5.900\sym{**}&       5.889\sym{**}&       5.357\sym{**}\\
            &      (2.24)        &      (2.23)        &      (2.01)        \\
$Z$       &       0.304        &       0.232        &       2.318        \\
            &      (0.03)        &      (0.03)        &      (0.26)        \\
$W$ &                    &      -0.001\sym{**}&      -0.001\sym{**}\\
            &                    &     (-2.44)        &     (-2.70)        \\
$A$      &                    &                    &      -0.056        \\
            &                    &                    &     (-0.45)        \\
$N$ obs       &        8981        &       \multicolumn{1}{c}{8981}        &        8991        \\
$R^2$       &       0.014        &       0.015        &       0.015        \\
\item \sym{*} Scaled by 100.
  \label{panel reg_full sample}%
