[Tex/LaTex] Table with shaded transitition, rounded corners and shadow (like a block of the theme)


this is my first question here.

I want to make my table look like the block to have a consequent style.

  • How to create that shaded transition from the table headline to the body (like the block)
  • How to add the shadow. (Different solutions on this forum dont seem to work for my code..)

Here is my minimalistic code which produces the following output:


% Packages  

% This is for rounded corners  

% Define colors  


\begin{block}{Block 1}  
\item item 1  
\item item 2  

\textcolor{white}{Column 1} & \textcolor{white}{Column 2} \\  
\item item 3  
\item item 4  
\end{itemize} &   
\item item 5  
\item item 6  
\end{itemize} \\[-1em]  
\draw[rounded corners,top color=TblTitle,  
bottom color=TblTitle,draw=white]  
($(tbl.north west)+(0.12,0)$)  
rectangle ($(tbl.north east)-(0.12,0.9)$);  
\draw[rounded corners,top color=TblBody,  
bottom color=TblBody,draw=white]   
($(tbl.south west)+(0.12,0.5)$)  
rectangle ($(tbl.south east)-(0.12,0)$);  
\draw[top color=TblBody,bottom color=TblBody,draw=TblBody]  
($(tbl.north east)-(0.13,0.6)$)  
rectangle ($(tbl.south west)+(0.13,0.2)$);  


Table and block

Best Answer

How about this:


% Packages  

% This is for rounded corners  

% Define colors  



\begin{block}{Block 1}  
\item item 1  
\item item 2  

\tikzset{blocknode/.style={inner sep=0,text width=0.5\textwidth,below right}}

\begin{block}{\tikz{\node[blocknode] {asdf}; \node[blocknode] at (0.5\textwidth,0) {qwertz};}}
\node[blocknode] {\begin{itemize}\item a\item b\end{itemize}};
\node[blocknode] at (0.5\textwidth,0) {\begin{itemize}\item c\item d\end{itemize}};

\begin{block}{\tikz{\node[blocknode] {qwer wert ertz rtzu tzui zuio uiop}; \node[blocknode] at (0.5\textwidth,0) {asdf sdfg dfgh fghj ghjk hjkl yxcv xcvb cvbn vbnm};}}
\node[blocknode] {\begin{itemize}\item asdf sdfg dfgh fghj ghjk hjkl yxcv xcvb cvbn vbnm \item b\end{itemize}};
\node[blocknode] at (0.5\textwidth,0) {\begin{itemize}\item c\item qwer wert ertz rtzu tzui zuio uiop\end{itemize}};



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