[Tex/LaTex] table with blank caption but table label


If I don't put a caption on my table, I don't get the "Table 2.2" label underneath it. If I add a blank caption, I get "Table 2.2:". How do I get rid of the ":"?

I am using memoir and threeparttable. Within the threeparttable, I am using a tabular, but I don't think that matters.

Best Answer

No need to load extra packages; memoir is a very versatile class that offers its own features, in this case, \captiondelim:



\chapter{Test Chapter}


enter image description here

Remark: in fact, loading caption with the memoir class triggers a warning:

Class memoir Warning: You are using the caption package with the memoir class. This may cause unexpected or inconsistent results if you use any of memoir's captioning facilities.

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