[Tex/LaTex] Table paragraph spacing


In the preamble of my document, I'm using \usepackage[parfill]{parskip} to make a new line between each paragraph. But when I try to write paragraphs inside a table:

aaa & Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

the paragraph skip is ignored, and it doesn't even give me an indentation:

enter image description here

My tables have long texts in them so the paragraph skip is really desirable for reading. Also, this breaks the newline \\ for me.

As far as I understand, \tabular redefines \par to be empty but the solution proposed seemed a bit too advanced for my needs. I tried with \endgraf after each paragraph without any result.

I'm using xelatex. Any help?

Edit: The above code is my minimum test case. I would like to use the paragraphs in the following environment:



    \rotatebox{90}{\textbf{Övning}} & \textbf{#1}

Best Answer

With array you could define a new column type which applies the paragraph skip to each cell in the column:

  \advance\parskip by 0pt plus 2pt
  \setlength{\parfillskip}{30pt plus 1fil}}p{#1}}

The values are taken from the parskip package which you are using.

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