[Tex/LaTex] Table out of margin


I created this table using siunitx package since values must to be represented in scientific notation. Unfortunately the table goes out of margin. How can I fix the issue?



    \sisetup{table-format=1.4e06,exponent-product = \cdot}
        {\emph{Nodi}}      &        \multicolumn{5}{c}{Sistemi di trasmissione}        \\
        \cmidrule{2-6} &    {BC}    & {$\text{PNC}_{16}$} & {$\text{PNC}_{32}$} & {{$\text{PNC}_{64}$}} & {$\text{PNC}_{128}$} \\ \midrule
        1                  & 1.4307e-06 &  2.4116e-05  &  4.6601e-05  &   9.145e-05    &  1.9019e-04   \\
        3                  & 2,108e-06  &  2.5738e-05  &  5.1332e-05  &   9.775e-05    &  1.9374e-04   \\
        7                  & 2.7708e-06 &  2.7964e-05  &  5.324e-05   &   1.0158e-04   &  2.0066e-04   \\
        12                 & 3.2206e-06 &  2.905e-05   &  5.5356e-05  &   1.0441e-04   &  2.0528e-04   \\
        20                 & 3.6241e-06 &  2.9865e-05  &  5.6242e-05  &   1.0698e-04   &  2.0324e-04   \\
        25                 & 3.8909e-06 &  3.0289e-05  &  5.614e-05   &   1.0648e-04   &  2.0663e-04   \\
        35                 & 4.2468e-06 &  3.1154e-05  &  5.7399e-05  &   1.0791e-04   &  2.0598e-04   \\
        50                 & 4.4803e-06 &  3.1883e-05  &  5.8366e-05  &   1.0964e-04   &  2.0811e-04   \\
        65                 & 4.7681e-06 &  3.2091e-05  &  5.8808e-05  &   1.1044e-04   &  2.0992e-04   \\
        75                 & 4.9844e-06 &  3.2443e-05  &  5.9032e-05  &   1.099e-04    &  2.1003e-04   \\
        90                 & 5.1003e-06 &  3.2914e-05  &  5.9188e-05  &   1.1086e-04   &  2.0996e-04   \\
        100                & 5.2175e-06 &  3.3087e-05  &  5.9855e-05  &   1.1089e-04   &  2.1143e-04   \\ \bottomrule

Best Answer

The table fits in the margins, without need of setting \small and of reducing too much \tabcolsep with the following code. Note the


key, which states precisely the space you need. This means:

  • one digit for the integer part
  • four decimal digits
  • the sign for the exponent part
  • one digit for the exponent

Your table-format=1.4e06 reserved six digits for the exponent.



\sisetup{table-format=1.4e-1,exponent-product = \cdot}
\multicolumn{1}{c}{\emph{Nodi}} &
 \multicolumn{5}{c}{Sistemi di trasmissione} \\
 & {BC} &
 {$\text{PNC}_{16}$} &
 {$\text{PNC}_{32}$} &
 {$\text{PNC}_{64}$} &
 {$\text{PNC}_{128}$} \\
  1         & 1.4307e-06 &  2.4116e-05  &  4.6601e-05  &   9.145e-05    &  1.9019e-04   \\
  3         & 2,108e-06  &  2.5738e-05  &  5.1332e-05  &   9.775e-05    &  1.9374e-04   \\
  7         & 2.7708e-06 &  2.7964e-05  &  5.324e-05   &   1.0158e-04   &  2.0066e-04   \\
 12         & 3.2206e-06 &  2.905e-05   &  5.5356e-05  &   1.0441e-04   &  2.0528e-04   \\
 20         & 3.6241e-06 &  2.9865e-05  &  5.6242e-05  &   1.0698e-04   &  2.0324e-04   \\
 25         & 3.8909e-06 &  3.0289e-05  &  5.614e-05   &   1.0648e-04   &  2.0663e-04   \\
 35         & 4.2468e-06 &  3.1154e-05  &  5.7399e-05  &   1.0791e-04   &  2.0598e-04   \\
 50         & 4.4803e-06 &  3.1883e-05  &  5.8366e-05  &   1.0964e-04   &  2.0811e-04   \\
 65         & 4.7681e-06 &  3.2091e-05  &  5.8808e-05  &   1.1044e-04   &  2.0992e-04   \\
 75         & 4.9844e-06 &  3.2443e-05  &  5.9032e-05  &   1.099e-04    &  2.1003e-04   \\
 90         & 5.1003e-06 &  3.2914e-05  &  5.9188e-05  &   1.1086e-04   &  2.0996e-04   \\
100         & 5.2175e-06 &  3.3087e-05  &  5.9855e-05  &   1.1089e-04   &  2.1143e-04   \\

enter image description here

To be honest, the table width is 413.00468pt, while the \textwidth is 412.56499pt, so the difference is .44pt, less than the \hfuzz value of 0.5pt (0.18mm).

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