[Tex/LaTex] Table of x-y values with first and second order differences


I would like to code a pages of notes that has the layout shown in the picture below. My question is the most efficient way to do this with LaTeX. I would think tikz with lots of nodes and edges, but I wonder if there is a more efficiently using tables within LaTeX.


Best Answer

You could just use minipages to break up the page into its components. To automate the drawing, I used the collcell package to place a \tikzmark at the desired location and then draw the appropriate markers:

enter image description here




\newcommand*{\ExtraSpaceH}{0.3em}% Extra horizontal space for red cells
\newcommand*{\ExtraSpaceF}{0.1em}% Extra horizontal space for blue cells

\newcounter{MarkCounterH} % Counter for uniquefying the \tikzmarks

\newcommand{\tikzmark}[1]{\tikz[overlay,remember picture] \node[baseline] (#1) {};}


    \foreach \x in {1,...,\numexpr\arabic{MarkCounter#3}-1\relax} {%
        \tikz[overlay,remember picture]
            \draw [red, ultra thick, #1]
                ($(#2-#3-\x)+(-0.8em,+1.7ex)$) --
                ($(#2-#3-\x)+(-0.1em,0.6ex)$) --

    \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
        \draw [#1]
            ($(current page.center)-(0.5\linewidth,0)$) --
            ($(current page.center)+(0.5\linewidth,0)$) ;
        \draw [#1]
            ($(current page.center)-(0,0.506\textheight)$) --
            ($(current page.center)+(0,0.496\textheight)$);



    $\begin{array}{c | c H}
        \multicolumn{3}{c}{y=x} \\
        x & y & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\color{red}\Delta y}\\
        0 & 0 & +1 \\
        1 & 1 & +1 \\
        2 & 2 & +1 \\
        3 & 3 & +1 \\
        4 & 4 & +1 \\
        5 & 5 & +1 \\
        6 & 6  \\
    $\begin{array}{c | c H F}
        \multicolumn{4}{c}{y=x^2} \\
        x & y & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\color{red}\Delta y} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\color{blue}\Delta^2 y}\\
        0 &  0 & + 1 \\
        1 &  1 & + 3 & +2\\
        2 &  4 & + 5 & +2\\
        3 &  9 & + 7 & +2\\
        4 & 16 & + 9 & +2\\
        5 & 25 & +11 & +2\\
        6 & 36  \\
\DrawAxis[thick, gray]
$\begin{array}{c | c H}
    \multicolumn{3}{c}{y=x^3} \\
$\begin{array}{c | c H}
    \multicolumn{3}{c}{y=\sqrt{x}} \\
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