[Tex/LaTex] Table of contents is red

colortable of contents

The problem goes away in the minimal example I created if I remove this:

\usepackage[colorlinks=true ,urlcolor=blue,urlbordercolor={0 1 1}]{hyperref}

However, in my real document, I have links that I want to be appeared as


So, what to do to set the color of the contents back to black?

The minimal example is this:


% If I uncomment that, the contents are colored red!
%\usepackage[colorlinks=true ,urlcolor=blue,urlbordercolor={0 1 1}]{hyperref}

\author{George Samaras}




\title{Software \& algorithms survey for a distributed linear algebra library}


 In this document, we list packages that aim to provide linear algebra operations (such us inversion) in a distributed environment. Moreover, we briefly present some relevant algorithms.



Best Answer

You can use \hypersetup to decalre settings later in the document.


% If I uncomment that, the contents are colored red!

\author{George Samaras}



\hypersetup{colorlinks=true, linkcolor=black}


\title{Software \& algorithms survey for a distributed linear algebra library}


 In this document, we list packages that aim to provide linear algebra operations (such us inversion) in a distributed environment. Moreover, we briefly present some relevant algorithms.


\hypersetup{colorlinks=true ,urlcolor=blue,urlbordercolor={0 1 1}}


enter image description here

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