Beamer – How to Create a Table of Contents

backgroundsbeamertable of contents

I have seen a nice looking table of contents in a Beamer presentation. There were some formulas, pictures, graphs situated across the frame in a shadow background. Any idea how to do this?enter image description here

Best Answer

You can use the background template; the background is an image that can be included with the usual \includegraphics command; the opacity is controlled by putting the image inside a \node with the help of TikZ; after the ToC, the template is again redefined to suppress the image:



   \tikz\node[opacity=0.3] at (current {\includegraphics[height=\paperheight]{ctanlion}};}

\section{Test Section One}
Contents of section one

\section{Test Section Two}
Contents of section two

\section{Test Section Three}
Contents of section three


enter image description here

CTAN lion drawing by Duane Bibby.

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