[Tex/LaTex] Table inside a fcolorbox


Here is what I am trying to do:

I am trying to create an environment similar to a colored textboxin MS Word and enter text, table, and formulas inside the box. Right now, this is what I do:

text text math math

However, when I try to include a table inside this environment, I get error. Is it possible to modify this environment such that it can also accommodate the tables as well?

Here is a MWE:

\documentclass[12pt, xcolor=pdftex,x11names,table]{article}

text $i=j$ 

again text and $math$

      \textbf{Q} & \textbf{test}&\textbf{test2}\\
      5 &&\\


Best Answer

You cannot embed (or contain) a float inside a box (\parbox or minipage, say). Moreover, you don't need the table (float) environment in order to set a tabular. So you could just get by with the following:

enter image description here

\usepackage{xcolor,tabularx}% http://ctan.org/pkg/{xcolor,tabularx}
text $i=j$ 

  again text and $math$
      \textbf{Q} & \textbf{test}&\textbf{test2}\\
      5 &&\\

Note that using a \parbox of width \textwidth inside a \fcolorbox will cause an overfull \hbox. That is because the \fcolorbox adds some separation (\fboxsep on both sides) and a rule (of width \fboxrule, on both sides). I've accommodated for this using


as the width of the \parbox.

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