[Tex/LaTex] Table in two column mode


I am writng a paper with the elsarticle class and I want to span a table in the two column mode over the whole textwidth (so to say interrupt the two column mode for the table, and afterwards continue with the one column mode).

I would like to wrap the text around, however the table always moves to the middle of the next page.

I scanned the internet, but I did not manage to solve my problem. I just want to include a table at a certain point, and when I type text before that table, it should be filled on both 2 columns before on that page and if I write text behind that table it should appear within the two columns afterwards.

I would be very thankful for any help.

\modulolinenumbers[5] %Show line numbers

% Added packages
\graphicspath{{images/} }


% Added packages


Some text, tables, figures etc.


Best Answer

table* is working fine, as you are not provided any MWE, I've taken my own, please refer the tags:




\caption{System variables dependencies}\label{tab2}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} X *{5}{Y} @{}}
System variables & $o_{v}$ & $s_{p}$ & $t_{m}$ & $l_{ft}$ & $l_{ot}$\\
\cmidrule(l){2-2} \cmidrule(l){3-3} \cmidrule(l){4-4} 
\cmidrule(l){5-5} \cmidrule(l){6-6}
Subsystem associated & V & Pr & M & $\textrm{T}_\textrm{1}$ & 
$\textrm{T}_  \textrm{2}$ \\
Mathematical dependencies & & & $t_{m}(t)=23-0.25
\times  o_{v}(t)+0.62\times s_{p}(t)$
& $l_{ft}(t)=l_{ft}(t-1) -0.001\times s_{p}(t)$
& $l_{ft}(t)=l_{ft}(t-1) -0.0005\times s_{p}(t)$ \\
Operational dependencies & $o_{v}(t)=0$ if $s_{p}(t)=0$ & & 
& $l_{ft}(t)=l_{ft}(t-1)$ if $s_{p}(t)=0$
& $l_{ot}(t)=l_{ot}(t-1)$ if $s_{p}(t)=0$ \\
Nominal value range 
& $0\rightarrow100$ (\%) 
& $0\rightarrow100$ (\%)
& $23\rightarrow83$ (°C)
& $2\rightarrow100$ (\%)
& $2\rightarrow100$ (\%)\\ 







\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} X *{5}{Y} @{}}
System variables & $o_{v}$ & $s_{p}$ & $t_{m}$ & $l_{ft}$ & $l_{ot}$\\
\cmidrule(l){2-2} \cmidrule(l){3-3} \cmidrule(l){4-4} 
\cmidrule(l){5-5} \cmidrule(l){6-6}
Subsystem associated & V & Pr & M & $\textrm{T}_\textrm{1}$ & 
$\textrm{T}_  \textrm{2}$ \\
Mathematical dependencies & & & $t_{m}(t)=23-0.25
\times  o_{v}(t)+0.62\times s_{p}(t)$
& $l_{ft}(t)=l_{ft}(t-1) -0.001\times s_{p}(t)$
& $l_{ft}(t)=l_{ft}(t-1) -0.0005\times s_{p}(t)$ \\
Operational dependencies & $o_{v}(t)=0$ if $s_{p}(t)=0$ & & 
& $l_{ft}(t)=l_{ft}(t-1)$ if $s_{p}(t)=0$
& $l_{ot}(t)=l_{ot}(t-1)$ if $s_{p}(t)=0$ \\
Nominal value range 
& $0\rightarrow100$ (\%) 
& $0\rightarrow100$ (\%)
& $23\rightarrow83$ (°C)
& $2\rightarrow100$ (\%)
& $2\rightarrow100$ (\%)\\ 
\captionof{table}{System variables dependencies\label{tab2}}

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