[Tex/LaTex] Table Header with vertically centered alignment

header-footerhorizontal alignmenttablesvertical alignmentxetex

I'm creating table header using LaTeX code mentioned below:

$\textbf{Q }$&$\textbf{Header one}$&$\textbf{Test} $&$\textbf{Test1}$&$\textbf{Test2}$&$\textbf{Test3}$\\
$ $&$ $&$\textbf{Text4} $&$\textbf{Text5}$&$\textbf{Text6}$&$\textbf{Text7}$\\
$ $&$ $&$ $&$$&$$&$\textbf{Text8}$\\

Can you please suggest, how can I arrange this vertically aligned centrally?
[Note: I'm looking for option to centrally align text inside header, which is currently spread across three lines.]

Best Answer

A new verion, after clarification. No additional packages used. Each column is a separate table. $'s left, however rather unneeded.




$\textbf{Q }$&
$\textbf{Header one}$
\earr &
$\textbf{Text4} $\\
\earr &
\earr &
\earr &


enter image description here

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