[Tex/LaTex] Table formatting top left corner caption


I have a pretty typical format I follow for tables due to restrictions imposed by professors. While we are not required to use LaTeX it makes my life easier in terms of formatting and so on. However, due to the table format we must follow I am unable to use captions in my tables because I have struggled with a way to try and move them to the correct location. This in turn forces me to keep track of table numbers and all the annoying things that LaTeX tracks for us. I've included the format and what I used to create it below.enter image description here

            \multicolumn{5}{l}{\textbf{Table 3} Main Effects and Interactions}\\
            \underline{Combination} & \underline{$\sum\Delta T^{+}$} & \underline{$\sum\Delta T^{-}$} & \underline{Contrast} & \underline{Main Effect (E)} & \underline{Absolute Effect $|E|$}\\[0.25cm]
            A       &   251.03& 376.99& -125.96&    -10.49  & 10.49\\[0.125cm]
            B       &   372.03& 255.99& 116.04&     9.67    & 9.67\\[0.125cm]
            AB      &   305.82& 322.2&  -16.38&     -1.365  & 1.365\\[0.125cm]
            C       &   274.89& 353.13& -78.24&     -6.52   & 6.52\\[0.125cm]
            AC      &   324.9&  303.12& 21.78&      1.815   & 1.815\\[0.125cm]
            BC      &   337.3&  290.72& 46.58&      3.88    & 3.88\\[0.125cm]
            ABC     &   306.09& 321.93& -15.84&     -1.32   & 1.32\\[0.125cm]

I wanted to see if anyone knew of a way that I could position the table number and caption in the way that I have in the image so that I don't have to manually keep track of the numbers myself. I've tried things like defining the caption above the tabular environment and left justifying it but it hasn't worked. I don't necessarily agree with the positioning requirement but it effects our grade so I don't have much of a choice. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

I would use the caption package to fine-tune the appearance of the captions to meet your professors' formatting requirements. In addition, I would load the siunitx package and its S column type to format the numeric data columns, and I would load the booktabs package for well-spaced horizontal lines. Don't use \underline, please; instead, use \cmidrule. Finally, consider using a tabular* environment instead of a tabular environment, to help the tabular material fit inside the width of the text block.

enter image description here

\usepackage{booktabs} % for sell-spaced horizontal lines
\usepackage{siunitx}  % for 'S' column type
\usepackage{caption}  % fine control over caption appearance
\setlength\heavyrulewidth{2pt} % does it have to be soooo wide?
\caption{Main Effects and Interactions} \label{tab:effects}
                    c *{2}{S[table-format= 3.2]}
                           S[table-format= 2.3] @{}}
Combination          & {$\sum\Delta T^{+}$} & 
{$\sum\Delta T^{-}$} & {Contrast}  & 
{Main Effect ($E$)}  & {Abs.\ Effect $|E|$} \\
\cmidrule{1-1} \cmidrule{2-2} \cmidrule{3-3} 
\cmidrule{4-4} \cmidrule{5-5} \cmidrule{6-6} 
  A       &   251.03& 376.99& -125.96&  -10.49  & 10.49\\
  B       &   372.03& 255.99&  116.04&   9.67   & 9.67 \\
  AB      &   305.82& 322.2 &  -16.38&  -1.365  & 1.365\\
  C       &   274.89& 353.13&  -78.24&  -6.52   & 6.52 \\
  AC      &   324.9 & 303.12&   21.78&   1.815  & 1.815\\
  BC      &   337.3 & 290.72&   46.58&   3.88   & 3.88 \\
  ABC     &   306.09& 321.93&  -15.84&  -1.32   & 1.32 \\