[Tex/LaTex] Tabbing inside itemize (or itemize inside tabbing)


How can I combine the tabbing and itemize environments so that I'll have a list in which I can use tabstops?

- It would be nice             foo    bar
- If I could get this working  baz    quuz

I know I could just use an ordinary tabbing environment and fake the first "column" to always display a bullet point, but I'm sure there is a more standard solution.

Best Answer

What about a table environment or longtable for breaking across pages. Use the listliketab package


        \textbullet &  It would be nice            & foo  &  bar   \\
        \textbullet &  If I could get this working & baz  &  quuz  \\

It has the advantage that you can use p columns to wrap long lines, etc.

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