[Tex/LaTex] Symbol $\perp$ with a shorter horizontal line to be used as a superscript


i was wondering whether there exists a predefined Latex symbol or command to write $\perp$ with a shorter horizontal line as shown in the image below which has been taken from an old research article in fluid mechanics. In fact, i would like to use that as a superscript liekwise.

Any help or idea is highly appreciated. Thank you

Example symbol taken from literature

Best Answer

The version of \perp in the MnSymbol package is narrower than the 'standard' version, but also slightly shorter. To load it without changing lots of other things, we can borrow most of the code from @Leo Liu's answer to Importing single symbol from MnSymbol. Then we obtain the following:


\DeclareFontFamily{U} {MnSymbolA}{}
  <-6> MnSymbolA5
  <6-7> MnSymbolA6
  <7-8> MnSymbolA7
  <8-9> MnSymbolA8
  <9-10> MnSymbolA9
  <10-12> MnSymbolA10
  <12-> MnSymbolA12}{}
  <-6> MnSymbolA-Bold5
  <6-7> MnSymbolA-Bold6
  <7-8> MnSymbolA-Bold7
  <8-9> MnSymbolA-Bold8
  <9-10> MnSymbolA-Bold9
  <10-12> MnSymbolA-Bold10
  <12-> MnSymbolA-Bold12}{}

\DeclareSymbolFont{MnSyA} {U} {MnSymbolA}{m}{n}


\perp & \mnperp \\ \mnperp &
 A^\perp \quad A^\mnperp


perp symbols

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