[Tex/LaTex] Symbol for external links


I'm using the hyperref package in my document to provide hyperlinks to external documents. However, I don't want to have the links coloured or underlined, because I find this usually ugly and distracting. What I would rather like is a little symbol beside the link text to provide a small hint for the reader that there is something clickable. What I have in mind is something like the little symbol constisting of a small square and an arrow you can find e.g. in Wikipedia for external links. Is there any package or font that provides such a symbol or do I have to brew one myself?

Best Answer

I'm using TikZ to draw the symbol:


    \tikz[x=1.2ex, y=1.2ex, baseline=-0.05ex]{% 
        \begin{scope}[x=1ex, y=1ex]
            \clip (-0.1,-0.1) 
                --++ (-0, 1.2) 
                --++ (0.6, 0) 
                --++ (0, -0.6) 
                --++ (0.6, 0) 
                --++ (0, -1);
                line width = 0.5, 
                rounded corners=0.5] 
                (0,0) rectangle (1,1);
        \path[draw, line width = 0.5] (0.5, 0.5) 
            -- (1, 1);
        \path[draw, line width = 0.5] (0.6, 1) 
            -- (1, 1) -- (1, 0.6);

See Wikipedia \ExternalLink for more information.

enter image description here

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