[Tex/LaTex] Symbol for encoding error: black diamond with white question mark �


I would like to add this symbol: � to a beamer presentation.
It is shown when something went wrong with the encoding.

Sadly, I can't simply include this symol:

! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char \u8:� not set up for use with LaTeX.
See the inputenc package documentation for explanation.

and I don't have any idea how to get it in LaTeX

(An image is not the solution I would like to use!)

Detexify didn't help either.

Description of the symbol (to make it easier to find):

  • a black diamond with a white question mark within or
  • a black sexagon with a white question mark
  • seems to be "\xa0" in sed

How is this symbol � called? How can I print it with LaTeX?

Best Answer

Following David Carlisle's suggestion here's a TikZ solution:


% w/o following space!
\newcommand{\quem}{\tikz[baseline=(wi.base)]{\node[fill=black,rotate=45,inner sep=.1ex, text height=1.8ex, text width=1.8ex] {};%
\node[ font=\color{white}] (wi) {?};}}


 Some  \quem Text


You may alter the size of the black triangle by playing with inner sep and keep in mind that there is no space an the end of the macro.