[Tex/LaTex] sum two numbers in \ifnum


I would like to implement a command in LaTeX which would sum two numbers before comparing them to a third number as follows:

\ifnum #1+45>0

where #1 is an angle in degrees.

Unfortunately it doesn't work.

Please, could you help me how to fix that?

Many thanks.

The whole code after advice from Werner:



% define arrows
% general right to left double harpoon
% define four connection position #5 and connect the arrows in +-5degrees
% first parameter define origin node 
% second parameter define destination node,
% third parameter label of top arrow
% fourth parameter label of bottom arrow
% fifth parameter define connection point - angle in degrees on the origin node
    \draw[-left to,thick] ({#1}.{#5+5}) -- node[\compare{#5}] {\scriptsize #3} ({#2}.{#5+175});
    \draw[left to-,thick] ({#1}.{#5+355}) -- node[below] {\scriptsize #4} ({#2}.{#5+185}); 

    % The shape:
    circle,minimum size=3mm,rounded corners=3mm,
    % draw nodes
          (0,5)  node (N05) [state] {$C$}
          (1,5)  node (N15) [state] {$O$}
          (1,4)  node (N14) [state] {$I$};
    % draw paths


Best Answer

One would assume that you're dealing with real numbers that you want to compare. In that sense, a comparison of numbers is not appropriate, since they do not work with fractional components. Dimensions (or lengths) on the other hand do. You can trick a function to work with lengths rather than numbers in the following way:

enter image description here

$1$ is \compare{1}, % 1 + 45 = 46 > 0 -> above
while $-90$ is \compare{-90} % -90 + 45 = -45 < 0 -> left
and $-45$ is \compare{-45}. % -45 + 45 = 0 ... -> left

The function \compare{<num>} uses <num> in a "dimension" form as <num>pt, adds 45pt to that, checks if this is greater than \z@ (or 0pt) and conditions accordingly.

Note the use of % to avoid spurious spaces. See What is the use of percent signs (%) at the end of lines?

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