[Tex/LaTex] Suggestions for nested proofs


I would like to write down my lecture notes. The proofs of the theorems in this lecture are usually really big. It usually looks like this:

Theorem 1: Here comes the statement of the Theorem


  1. Without loss of generality let us assume…
  2. Claim 1: Statement.

Proof: Blah blah \endOfInnerProofSymbol

  1. Claim 2: Statement.

Proof. Blah blah \endOfInnerProofSymbol


So my question is now, how can I make such nested proofs with another QED-symbol than the parent proof (maybe a filled square)?

Best Answer

You can simply define a new environment subproof that mimics the behavior of proof but uses a filled square instead of the default one.


You can even give it the optional argument as in


so to print "Subproof" instead of "Proof".

MWE (note the \item after the outer proof to let enumerate start on a new line)




  Here comes the statement of the Theorem
    \item Without loss of generality let us assume...
    \item Claim 1: Statement.%
      Blah blah
    \item Claim 2: Statement.%
      Blah blah

enter image description here

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