[Tex/LaTex] Subtitle, abstract and multiple authors using Titling package


Following the excellent advice in this thread, I learned how to get a subtitle below the main title, using the titling package. Unfortunately, the trick runs into an error when you try including an abstract. Here's a minimal working example:




\title{Title goes here}
\subtitle{Subtitle goes here}

\author{Author 1}
\address{Address 1}
\email{Email 1}

\author{Author 2}
\address{Address 2}
\email{Email 2}

Abstract goes here


Begin section 1...


Although the code compiles, it reports the warning No \author given and the abstract fails to appear in the PDF.

I would like to have the title, subtitle, abstract, and introduction to all appear on the 1st page. (I don't want a separate "title page", as the formatting needs to be compact for a limited-space journal article.) Thanks for your help!

Best Answer

The titling package is definitely incompatible with amsart.

You can easily implement a \subtitle command:




\title{Title goes here}
\subtitle{Subtitle goes here}

\author{Author 1}
\address{Address 1}
\email{Email 1}

\author{Author 2}
\address{Address 2}
\email{Email 2}

Abstract goes here


Begin section 1...


However, you get essentially the same effect by doing

  Title goes here\\[1ex]
  Subtitle goes here%
\shorttitle{Title goes here}

without tampering with the class.

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