[Tex/LaTex] Submitting to arXiv with Springer style


I am submitting my accepted manuscript to arXiv. To me, the whole process is confusing. You can create a dirty PDF in Windows and they accept it, but when your manuscript is created with LaTeX, you should provide the source code with a not-so-obvious format and settings.

I am submitting the source anyway, but as it is a Springer style manuscript, the draft version of svjour3 class (\documentclass[smallextended]{svjour3}) includes some undesired text about journal information, etc. So, what should I do? Submit in article class, or submit the draft version of journal paper as it is generated by svjour3 class?

This is what I get:

Undesired header

This is a smaple published paper (from svjour manual):

Right header

I think it would be ok if I could just remove the header.

This is a minimal working example, please help me remove the header:


\date{Published 2016}

\title{Sample of the standard layout for journal articles}

\author{First Author \and Second Author \and Third Author}


\abstract{Abstract An abstract is required for regular articles.}

\keywords{Keywords First keyword, Second keyword, More}

It is common to name the first section of an article Introduction.


Best Answer

While I think there is no problem in publishing the paper on the arXiv with the box (I've done it and I've seen it a lot of times), the simplest way would be to redefine


in the preamble. This eliminates the box but leaves the thick horizontal line below it. If you want to eliminate that too, then you must redefine \@maketitle (lines 546-629 in svjour3.cls). To be completely honest I don't think it's worth the time. You could of course adapt your code to article or revtex, but depending on how the paper is written this can become time consuming.