[Tex/LaTex] Subfiles and Referencing


I am having some trouble getting a modular document to work.

This is what my files look like at the moment




the files look like…


%some packages    



\chapter{Sample Chapter}
some text that i have to cite\cite{ross}

When compiling the root document everything works fine and I get the following
rootdoc compiled

But when I compile .\tex.childdoc I get

enter image description here

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

This is not my solution, but I thought I would combine two other solutions that I found on the site.

Bibliographies when using subfiles and subfiles inside a subfile using relative paths

As Before


in the ./rootdoc.tex file





and in the ./tex/childdoc.tex file

\chapter{Sample Chapter}
some text that i have to cite\cite{ross}

now the correct .bibfile is referenced and when child is compiled the bibliography does not appear twice when the root document is compiled.

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