[Tex/LaTex] Subfigure package caption positioning


I would like to use subfigure package, since it allows to define the subfigure environment size in terms of columnwidth, etc.
However, I need to follow some formatting as:

  • Figure title on top and align to left (Figure 1 – …);
  • Subcaptions below subfigures and
  • Figure description on bottom and align to left.

How is it possible?
Thanks in advance

Updated: I've got almost what I need. Only references to subfigure are not right yet.



\newcommand{\subcaption}[1]% #1 = caption text
\makebox[\textwidth]{\textbf{(\thesubfig)} #1}%

\newenvironment{subfigure}[1]% width

\caption{Test 1}
{\footnotesize Source: Here comes the figures description.}

\caption{Test 2}
{\footnotesize Source: Here comes the figures description.}

Figures \ref{fig:test1} is composed of \ref{fig:test11} e \ref{fig:test12}.

Figure \ref{fig:test2} is an ordinary include entry.

Here the output:

Best Answer

See, if this modification of your MWE do what you like to have:


\caption{Test 1}

{\footnotesize Source: Here comes the figures description.}

\caption{Test 2}

Source: Here comes the figures description.

Figures \ref{fig:test1} is composed of \ref{fig:test11} e \ref{fig:test12}. 
Figure \ref{fig:test2} is an ordinary include entry.

In above MWE I remove your definitions of subfigure counter and environment and instead them use package subcaption. Beside this I put labels after captions where they should be (for correct referencing)

enter image description here