[Tex/LaTex] Subfigure Caption Problem


I am trying to have subfigures within one figure lets say Figure 1 , below is the code I have now. The problem is it doesn't show after I compile the tex and under the figures the following caption Fig1a:fishfigure and Fig1a:catfigure it shows instead: the following (a)fishfigure (b)catfigure…

Does anyone know what the problem is?

\subfigure[fish figure]{%
[cat figure]{%

Best Answer

Use the subcaption package instead of the obsolete subfigure, redefine \thesubfigure and declare the desired format for the label using \DeclareCaptionLabelFormat:

A little example, using \subcaptionbox (another options would be to use the subfigure environment from subcaption):




\subcaptionbox{fish figure\label{fig:fish}}{%
\subcaptionbox{cat figure\label{fig:cat}}{%

As we see in subfigures~\ref{fig:fish}, \ref{fig:cat}, and~\ref{fig:dog}


enter image description here

The demo option for graphicx simply replaces actual figures with black rectangles; do not use that option in your actual document.