[Tex/LaTex] subfigure and subfig packages deprecated

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I was using the subfigure package to align multiple small images in a document. However, WikiBooks states that "the subfigure and subfig packages are deprecated and shouldn't be used any more" (WikiBooks Floats, Figures and Captions).

What is the alternative/proper option to achieve the same result?

Best Answer

There are at least four classes that aren't compatible with caption (hence with subcaption), whereas subfig is a substitute when called as

  1. The ws-proc9x6 class (and related ones by the same publisher), see how to get the ws-procs9x6 document class to work with subcaption package?

  2. tufte-book and the other similar classes, see Problem with tufte-book and subfigure

  3. IEEEtran, see 2-col floats and citation order problem

  4. REVTeX, see subfigures with revtex?

It's true that subfig doesn't cooperate well with hyperref, but when the alternative is no subfloats at all …

Related subfloat discussion is also given in subcaption vs. subfig: Best package for referencing a subfigure

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