[Tex/LaTex] subfig captions messed up in IEEEtran class


I have following packages enables:


This is because IEEE uses its own caption style. My code for floating double column figure is:

\subfloat[Case A]{\label{fig_first_case}\includegraphics[width=3.1in]{Zones_A.jpg}}
\subfloat[Case B]{\label{fig_second_case}\includegraphics[width=3.1in]{Zones_B.jpg}}
\caption{This is just an example.}

The output however is:

enter image description here

As can be seen the sub captions are messed up for figure A. How can this be fixed?

Thank you.

Best Answer

I'm not sure why you are using \centerline, but using \centering instead is probably the better way to go in your case.