[Tex/LaTex] Strike out over graphics


I have a document with a graphics and I want to replaced this graphics with another as part of a revision. To make this clear I want to show the old version of a figure next (or below) to the new version, but struck out.

I tried using the changes package (\deleted around the \includegraphics command) which gives an error and also with the sout package, which gives a weird result.

How can strike out a graphics reliable in LaTeX?

   \includegraphics{old} \\ %strike this figure out, with a diagonal, horizontal or cross lines

Best Answer

You can modify the selected answer to this question to get what you've asked:

  overlay={\draw[red,line width=5pt] (interior.south west)--(interior.north east);
    \draw[red,line width=5pt] (interior.north west)--(interior.south east);}}

\caption{Use the correct diagram!}

The output in Gummi looks like this: enter image description here