[Tex/LaTex] ‘Standalone’ TikZ pictures


I want to create a TikZ picture in an external PDF file, which then can be included in my main document via \includegraphics.
However, compiling a document with a TikZ picture in it produces a whole page, meaning lots of white space.

What I want to do can be done using the preview package as described in Standalone diagrams with TikZ?, on SO. But there are some problems with the preview package and XeTex (see Transparency in tikz, preview package and xelatex).

Since creating standalone pictures seems like a natural thing to ask, I am hoping for a different, and maybe more elegant, solution.

Best Answer

You can use the standalone class for this. In v0.x it used preview internally, but for v1.x it also has an alternative crop option, which works similar to the preview option/package, but avoids its issues with XeTeX.

There is now (v1.0) also a tikz class option which turns any (outer) tikzpicture into a single tight page. This avoids issues with trailing implicit paragraphs. In addition it automatically loads the tikz package.

% tikzpic.tex
\documentclass[crop,tikz]{standalone}% 'crop' is the default for v1.0, before it was 'preview'
%\usetikzlibrary{...}% tikz package already loaded by 'tikz' option
  \draw (0,0) -- (10,10); % ...

Then compile it as usual with pdflatex or xelatex etc.

To include this tikzpicture into a main document load the standalone package there with the option mode=buildnew. Then use \includestandalone[<options>]{<filename>} instead of \includegraphics. This will compile all includes standalone files automatically as graphics and build these graphics if the source file is newer than the existing graphics file. This needs -shell-escape to be enabled to allow the main LaTeX run to call further LaTeX compilers. See the standalone manual for more details.

% main.tex
% compile with `pdflatex -shell-escape main` or `xelatex  -shell-escape main`
\usepackage[mode=buildnew]{standalone}% requires -shell-escape
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