Standalone – Creating Standalone Figure and Tabular in LaTeX


I'd like to generate a standalone pdf containing a pgf/tikz image and a tabular.

I'm almost getting the desired result but there is a paragraph between the image and the tabular that breaks my layout (I guess it is due to the fact that the empty paragraph takes the full textwidth).

What I do to get such result is the following:


 %This empty line creates the undesired paragraph

Best Answer

Update 2011/12/21

I now release standalone v1.0 which comes with a varwidth option to allow for vertical content with variable width. It uses the varwidth environment (and package) internally which is based on minipage. Using this option you can use a paragraph break (i.e. an empty line) to stack both things. If you want more vertical space try a \vspace{..} between them.


    \draw (0,0) rectangle (2,3);

 a & b \\\hline
 b & c \\
 d & e \\

Original answer:

You need to stack the two elements manually without using a line break or new paragraph. You can use a TikZ picture like Ignasi suggested, wrap both into a tabular or use \shortstack{...\\...}. It is also possible to stack it using plainTeX commands: \vbox{\hbox{..}\hbox{..}}.



    \draw (0,0) rectangle (2,3);
 a & b \\\hline
 b & c \\
 d & e \\



    \draw (0,0) rectangle (2,3);
 a & b \\\hline
 b & c \\
 d & e \\

With the optional argument of \shortstack you can select the horizontal alignment of the blocks.

I reused the example code from Ignasi to allow for easy comparison.

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