[Tex/LaTex] Standalone document with chapter


When compiling large documents (with chapters) it is often useful to put different parts in separate files. I do this with the standalone-documentclass for all my tikzpictures. That way I can compile each separate part that I'm currently working on. I'd like to do the same with chapters in books. However, the standalone-documentclass doesn't have chapters. Thus, Ive defined my own chapter-command. And, as an example, changed the counter of the section-command to be printed with the chapter number. We could do the same with figures, tables, etc. My question is: Should there be more in my definition of the chapter-command to satisfy packages which depend on the chapter-command? Does the chapter have more "offsprings" like the chapter-counter?



\newcounter {chapter}
\renewcommand \thechapter {\@arabic\c@chapter}
\vspace*{2em}\noindent\Huge\chaptername\hspace*{0.25em} \thechapter\\

\chapter{A test chapter}
\section{First section}
\subsection{First sub}
\subsection{Second sub}


Qrrbrbirlbel's suggested a simple and good approach using class=book as a class option:


\chapter{A test chapter}
\section{First section}
\subsection{First sub}
\subsection{Second sub}

Best Answer

The answer to your question is to include the <class> class of your main file/project as an value to the class key of the standalone class:


Though, I do believe that the answer to your problem is another one that can be found in

On the statement of nesting \includeonly: Well, no, that’s not possible (and that’s how it is supposed to work), but you can use as many \inputs inside a file that is included as you wish.

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