[Tex/LaTex] Squeeze superscripts and subscripts around bracketed expressions in display math


Consider a bracketed term in display math, like this.

LaTeX output

Is there any way to squeeze the space between the super/sub-scripts and the bracketed term? e.g.

Desired output

where I've modified the image to create the desired effect. Apologies if this is a duplicate. I trawled through results from a few different searches and didn't find the same question asked anywhere.



Best Answer

You may adjust the indices half manually e.g. like this:


\newcommand{\subsup}[3]{{#1}_{\mkern-4mu #2}^{\mkern-4mu #3}}

\left(\frac{\frac{dx}{dy}}{\frac{dz}{dt}}\right)_i^{0.01} \quad
\subsup{\left(\frac{\frac{dx}{dy}}{\frac{dz}{dt}}\right)} {i}{0.01}