[Tex/LaTex] Splitting list of figures

appendicestable of contents

I'm starting to accumulate a large and fairly unwieldy list of figures at the start of my thesis and want to split that list into two. I want to have a list of the 'main' figures included in the front matter and another list at the start of the appendices . This second list should just include any figures that are part of the appendices.

I've found a few examples that detail how I could suppress the figures in the appendix but nothing that describes how I would be able to then list them at a later point in my work.

Any ideas?


Best Answer

This can be easily done with the help of the titletoc package and its features for partial lists; \startlist, \printlist, \stoplist; the idea is to have to partial lists; the first one stops just before the appendices and at this point, the second list begins; a little example:


\newcommand\myfigure{% just to quickly generate captioned images in the document
  \caption{test figure~\thefigure}


\startlist[main]{lof}% starts main list of figures
\printlist[main]{lof}{}{\chapter*{List of Figures in Main Part}}% prints main list of figures

\chapter{Test chapter one}
\chapter{Test chapter one}

\stoplist[main]{lof}% stops main list of figures

\startlist[appendix]{lof}% starts list of figures in appendices
\printlist[appendix]{lof}{}{\chapter*{List of Figures in 
Appendices}}% prints list of figures in appendices

\chapter{Test appendix one}

\chapter{Test appendix two}


An image of the main list:

enter image description here

An image of the list for images in appendices:

enter image description here

Without additional packages this can also be done with a little more work; the idea now is to change \ext@figure (controlling the extension of the auxiliary file in which the information for figure captions is written to) just at the beginning of the appendixes and to have a new list of figures through a new command defined in a similar way to the standard \listoffigures; a patch of \@chapter is necessary in order to have the default spacing (10pt) in the new list when a new chapter begins:


   \renewcommand\listfigurename{List of Figures in Appendices}%

  \caption{test figure~\thefigure}



\chapter{Test chapter one}
\chapter{Test chapter one}



\chapter{Test appendix one}

\chapter{Test appendix two}
