[Tex/LaTex] Split long algorithm over multiple columns in a springer paper


I am preparing to send my article to a Springer journal for the first time. I have a long algorithm to put it in the paper, how can I make the algorithm to be automatically split over multiple columns when it get to the margins defined by the template.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% file template.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% This is a general template file for the LaTeX package SVJour3
% for Springer journals.          Springer Heidelberg 2010/09/16
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\documentclass[twocolumn]{svjour3}          % twocolumn
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\title{Insert your title here%\thanks{Grants or other notes
%about the article that should go on the front page should be
%placed here. General acknowledgments should be placed at the end of the article.}
\subtitle{Do you have a subtitle?\\ If so, write it here}

%\titlerunning{Short form of title}        % if too long for running head

\author{First Author         \and
        Second Author %etc.

%\authorrunning{Short form of author list} % if too long for running head

\institute{F. Author \at
              first address \\
              Tel.: +123-45-678910\\
              Fax: +123-45-678910\\
              \email{fauthor@example.com}           %  \\
%             \emph{Present address:} of F. Author  %  if needed
           S. Author \at
              second address

\date{Received: date / Accepted: date}
% The correct dates will be entered by the editor


Insert your abstract here. Include keywords, PACS and mathematical
subject classification numbers as needed.
\keywords{First keyword \and Second keyword \and More}
% \PACS{PACS code1 \and PACS code2 \and more}
% \subclass{MSC code1 \and MSC code2 \and more}

Your text comes here. Separate text sections with
\section{Section title}
Text with citations \cite{RefB} and \cite{RefJ}.

\caption{Square Root Cubature Kalman Filter (SCKF)}
\textbf{Time update}
 \State Evaluate the cubature points (i=1,2,...,$m = 2n_x$)
    X_{i,k-1|k-1} = \hat{x}_{k-1|k-1} + S_{i,k-1|k-1}\zeta_i
 \State Evaluate the propagated cubature points through the process equation (i=1,2,...,$m = 2n_x$)
 \State Estimate the predicted state
   \hat{x}_{k|k-1} = \frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^m{X_{i,k|k-1}^*}Y
 \State Estimate the square root factor of the predicted error covariance.
    S_{k|k-1} = Tria([\chi_{k|k-1}^* S_{Q,k-1}])
Where $S_{Q,k-1}$ denote the square root factor of $Q_{k-1}$ such that $Q_{k-1} = S_{Q,k-1}S_{Q,k-1}^T $, and the weighted centered matrix:
\chi_{k|k-1}^* = \frac{1}{\sqrt{m}}\left[ X_{1,k|k-1}^*-\hat{x}_{k|k-1} \cdots X_{m,k|k-1}^*-\hat{x}_{k|k-1})\right]
\textbf{Measurement update}
 \State Evaluate the cubature point (i=1,2,...,m)
   X_{i,k|k-1} = \hat{x}_{k|k-1} + S_{k|k-1}\zeta_i
 \State Evaluate the propagated cubature point through the measurement equation
   Y_{i,k|k-1} = h(X_{i,k|k-1})
 \State Estimate the predicted measurement
  \hat{y}_{k|k-1} = \frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^m{Y_{i,k|k-1}}
 \State Estimate the square root of the innovation covariance matrix.
  S_{yy,k|k-1} = Tria(YZ_{k|k-1} S_{R,k}])
Where $S_{R,k}$ denote the square root factor of $R_k$ such that $R_k = S_{R,k}S_{R,k}^T $ and the weighted centered matrix:
  Y_{k|k-1} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{m}}\left[ Y_{1,k|k-1}-\hat{y}_{k|k-1}     \cdots Y_{m,k|k-1}-\hat{y}_{k|k-1})\right]
 \State Estimate the cross-covariance matrix
  P_{xz,k|k-1} = \chi_{k|k-1}Y_{k|k-1}^T
Where the weighted, centered matrix $\chi_{k|k-1}$ is defined by
  \chi_{k|k-1} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{m}}\left[ X_{1,k|k-1}-\hat{x}_{k|k-1}    \cdots X_{m,k|k-1}-\hat{x}_{k|k-1})\right]
 \State Estimate the Kalman gain
  K_k = (P_{xy,k|k-1}/S_{yy,k|k-1}^T)/S_{yy,k|k-1}^T)
 \State Estimate the updated state
 \State Estimate the square root factor of the corresponding error covariance.
  S_{k|k} = Tria([\chi_{k|k-1} - K_k Y_{k|k-1}...K_k R_{R,k}]
\subsection{Subsection title}
as required. Don't forget to give each section
and subsection a unique label (see Sect.~\ref{sec:1}).
\paragraph{Paragraph headings} Use paragraph headings as needed.

% For one-column wide figures use
% Use the relevant command to insert your figure file.
% For example, with the graphicx package use
% figure caption is below the figure
\caption{Please write your figure caption here}
\label{fig:1}       % Give a unique label
% For two-column wide figures use
% Use the relevant command to insert your figure file.
% For example, with the graphicx package use
% figure caption is below the figure
\caption{Please write your figure caption here}
\label{fig:2}       % Give a unique label
% For tables use
% table caption is above the table
\caption{Please write your table caption here}
\label{tab:1}       % Give a unique label
% For LaTeX tables use
first & second & third  \\
number & number & number \\
number & number & number \\

%If you'd like to thank anyone, place your comments here
%and remove the percent signs.

% BibTeX users please use one of
%\bibliographystyle{spbasic}      % basic style, author-year citations
%\bibliographystyle{spmpsci}      % mathematics and physical sciences
%\bibliographystyle{spphys}       % APS-like style for physics
%\bibliography{}   % name your BibTeX data base

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% and use \bibitem to create references. Consult the Instructions
% for authors for reference list style.
% Format for Journal Reference
Author, Article title, Journal, Volume, page numbers (year)
% Format for books
Author, Book title, page numbers. Publisher, place (year)
% etc

% end of file template.tex

Best Answer

Remove the algorithm environment and make the caption into a section title. On the other hand, I don't think you really need an algorithmic environment for this.

\documentclass[twocolumn]{svjour3}          % twocolumn

\usepackage{lipsum} % for mock text




%\titlerunning{Short form of title}        % if too long for running head

\author{First Author \and Second Author}

%\authorrunning{Short form of author list} % if too long for running head

\institute{F. Author \at
              first address \\
              Tel.: +123-45-678910\\
              Fax: +123-45-678910\\
              \email{fauthor@example.com}           %  \\
%             \emph{Present address:} of F. Author  %  if needed
           S. Author \at
              second address

\date{Received: date / Accepted: date}
% The correct dates will be entered by the editor


Insert your abstract here. Include keywords, PACS and mathematical
subject classification numbers as needed.
\keywords{First keyword \and Second keyword \and More}
% \PACS{PACS code1 \and PACS code2 \and more}
% \subclass{MSC code1 \and MSC code2 \and more}



\section{Section title}
Text with citations \cite{RefB} and \cite{RefJ}.


\section{Square Root Cubature Kalman Filter (SCKF)}

\subsection*{Time update}
 \item Evaluate the cubature points ($i=1,2,\dots,m =\nobreak 2n_x$)
    X_{i,k-1|k-1} = \hat{x}_{k-1|k-1} + S_{i,k-1|k-1}\zeta_i
 \item Evaluate the propagated cubature points through the process equation ($i=1,2,\dots,m = 2n_x$)
 \item Estimate the predicted state
   \hat{x}_{k|k-1} = \frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^m{X_{i,k|k-1}^*}Y
 \item Estimate the square root factor of the predicted error covariance.
    S_{k|k-1} = \Tria([\chi_{k|k-1}^* S_{Q,k-1}])
Where $S_{Q,k-1}$ denote the square root factor of $Q_{k-1}$ such that $Q_{k-1} = S_{Q,k-1}S_{Q,k-1}^T $, and the weighted centered matrix:
\chi_{k|k-1}^* = \frac{1}{\sqrt{m}}\left[ X_{1,k|k-1}^*-\hat{x}_{k|k-1} \dots X_{m,k|k-1}^*-\hat{x}_{k|k-1})\right]

\subsection*{Measurement update}

 \item Evaluate the cubature point (i=1,2,\dots,m)
   X_{i,k|k-1} = \hat{x}_{k|k-1} + S_{k|k-1}\zeta_i
 \item Evaluate the propagated cubature point through the measurement equation
   Y_{i,k|k-1} = h(X_{i,k|k-1})
 \item Estimate the predicted measurement
  \hat{y}_{k|k-1} = \frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^m{Y_{i,k|k-1}}
 \item Estimate the square root of the innovation covariance matrix.
  S_{yy,k|k-1} = \Tria(YZ_{k|k-1} S_{R,k}])
Where $S_{R,k}$ denote the square root factor of $R_k$ such that $R_k = S_{R,k}S_{R,k}^T $ and the weighted centered matrix:
  Y_{k|k-1} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{m}}\left[ Y_{1,k|k-1}-\hat{y}_{k|k-1}     \dots Y_{m,k|k-1}-\hat{y}_{k|k-1})\right]
 \item Estimate the cross-covariance matrix
  P_{xz,k|k-1} = \chi_{k|k-1}Y_{k|k-1}^T
Where the weighted, centered matrix $\chi_{k|k-1}$ is defined by
  \chi_{k|k-1} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{m}}\left[ X_{1,k|k-1}-\hat{x}_{k|k-1}    \dots X_{m,k|k-1}-\hat{x}_{k|k-1})\right]
 \item Estimate the Kalman gain
  K_k = (P_{xy,k|k-1}/S_{yy,k|k-1}^T)/S_{yy,k|k-1}^T)
 \item Estimate the updated state
 \item Estimate the square root factor of the corresponding error covariance.
  S_{k|k} = \Tria([\chi_{k|k-1} - K_k Y_{k|k-1}\dots K_k R_{R,k}]



% Format for Journal Reference
Author, Article title, Journal, Volume, page numbers (year)

% Format for books
Author, Book title, page numbers. Publisher, place (year)
% etc


% end of file template.tex

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