[Tex/LaTex] Split cells vertical and horizontal


enter image description here

I'm an absolute newby in Latex and I try to reproduce a table (see picture above) as an exercise in university. I need to split cells both vertically and horizontally, as can be seen in the picture. Further, I need to give the table a caption. With my code, I can split lines horizontally but for a vertical split, I can't find a solution that is working for me.

  \multicolumn{2}{|l|}{learning process}  & learning tools & search space  \\
  \multicolumn{2}{|l|}{feature engineering}  & (subsequent) classifiers & feature sets   \\
  \multicolumn{2}{|l|}{}  &    & feature enhancing methods and their hyper-parameters   \\
  \multicolumn{2}{|l|}{model selection}  & classifiers & classifiers and their hyper-parameters   \\
  \multicolumn{2}{|l|}{optimization algorithm selection}  & classifiers & algorithms and their hyper-parameters   \\

Edit: This is the information I have regarding the type of my document:

%\documentclass[headsepline,footsepline,footinclude=false,fontsize=11pt,paper=a4,listof=totoc,bibliography=totoc,BCOR=12mm,DIV=12]{scrbook} % two-sided % original source stated: BCOR=12mm,DIV=12 \documentclass[headsepline,footsepline,footinclude=false,oneside,fontsize=11pt,paper=a4,listof=totoc,bibliography=totoc,DIV=12]{scrbook} % one-sided

Best Answer

See if the following solution provide what you like to obtain:


\mcl{\textbf{learning process}}      
    &   \textbf{learning tools}            
        &   \textbf{search space}       \\
\mcl{\multirow{2}{*}{feature engineering}}  
        & \multirow{2}{*}{(subsequent) classifiers}
            & feature sets              \\
        &   & feature enhancing methods and their hyper-parameters   \\
\mcl{model selection}  
        & classifiers
            & classifiers and their hyper-parameters   \\
\mcl{optimization algorithm selection}  
        & classifiers
            & algorithms and their hyper-parameters   \\
\multirow{2}{12mm}{full scope}
    &   general
        & classifiers
            &   xxx \\
    &   neural arcitecture search (NAS)
        &   neural networks
            &   networtk structure              \\     

enter image description here

Addendum: Table using tabularx table environment which enable multi lines text in cells:

enter image description here

\usepackage{multirow, tabularx}

\mcl{\textbf{learning process}}      
    &   \textbf{learning tools}            
        &   \textbf{search space}       \\
\mcl{\multirow{3}{*}{feature engineering}}  
        & \multirow{3}{=}{(subsequent) classifiers}
            & feature sets              \\
        &   & feature enhancing methods and their hyper-parameters   \\
\mcl{model selection}  
        & classifiers
            & classifiers and their hyper-parameters   \\
\mcl{optimization algorithm selection}  
        & classifiers
            & algorithms and their hyper-parameters   \\
\multirow{2}{8mm}{full scope}
    &   general
        & classifiers
            &   xxx \\
    &   neural arcitecture search (NAS)
        &   neural networks
            &   networtk structure              \\     
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