[Tex/LaTex] Split algorithm in two slides with beamer


I am following this answer, but no luck as you can see:

enter image description here

The frame is being split into two slides, but the first slide is left empty! How to fix this?


\def\RR{{\mathbb R}}
\def\Ss{{\mathbb S}}
\def\EE{{\mathbb E}}
\def\Pr{{\mathrm Pr}}
\def\dd{{\mathrm d}}
\def\ee{{\mathrm e}}
\def\MM{{\mathcal M}}
\def\sign{{\mathrm sign}}



    \caption{Dolphinn: Query Algorithm}
    \INPUT{Metric $(\MM, d_{\MM})$, LSH family $F$, data set $P \subset \MM$, parameter $d'$, integer StopSearch, query $q$. (We assume that this algorithm has access to the ANN data structure created in Algorithm \ref{DolphinnPrep})}
    \OUTPUT{Point $p \in P$ or "no"}
    %\STATE{Compute $f(q)=(f_1(h_1(q)), f_2(h_2(q)), \ldots, f_{d'}(h_{d'}(q)))$ as folows:}
    \FOR{$i = 1$ to $d'$}
        \IF{$f_i(h_i(q))$ is not defined in Algorithm \ref{DolphinnPrep}}
            \STATE{Flip a fair coin and assign the result to $f_i(h_i(q))$.}
            \STATE{Compute $f_i(h_i(q))$.}

    \FOR{\textbf{each} $x$ in $f(P)$ s.t. $\|x-f(q)\|_1\leq  0.5 \cdot d' \cdot (1-p_1)$ }
    \FOR{\textbf{each} point $p$ inside the bucket with key $x$}
    \IF{$d_{\MM}(p,q)\leq c\cdot r$}
        \STATE \textbf{return} $p$.
      \STATE{$i\gets i+1$}
        \STATE \textbf{return} "no". 

    \STATE{\textbf{return} "no"}


Best Answer

May something like this do the job?


\def\RR{{\mathbb R}}
\def\Ss{{\mathbb S}}
\def\EE{{\mathbb E}}
\def\Pr{{\mathrm Pr}}
\def\dd{{\mathrm d}}
\def\ee{{\mathrm e}}
\def\MM{{\mathcal M}}
\def\sign{{\mathrm sign}}




\captionof{algorithm}{Dolphinn: Query Algorithm}%
%    \caption{Dolphinn: Query Algorithm}
    \INPUT{Metric $(\MM, d_{\MM})$, LSH family $F$, data set $P \subset \MM$, parameter $d'$, integer StopSearch, query $q$. (We assume that this algorithm has access to the ANN data structure created in Algorithm \ref{DolphinnPrep})}
    \OUTPUT{Point $p \in P$ or "no"}
    %\STATE{Compute $f(q)=(f_1(h_1(q)), f_2(h_2(q)), \ldots, f_{d'}(h_{d'}(q)))$ as folows:}
    \FOR{$i = 1$ to $d'$}
        \IF{$f_i(h_i(q))$ is not defined in Algorithm \ref{DolphinnPrep}}
            \STATE{Flip a fair coin and assign the result to $f_i(h_i(q))$.}
            \STATE{Compute $f_i(h_i(q))$.}

    \FOR{\textbf{each} $x$ in $f(P)$ s.t. $\|x-f(q)\|_1\leq  0.5 \cdot d' \cdot (1-p_1)$ }
    \FOR{\textbf{each} point $p$ inside the bucket with key $x$}
    \IF{$d_{\MM}(p,q)\leq c\cdot r$}
        \STATE \textbf{return} $p$.
      \STATE{$i\gets i+1$}
        \STATE \textbf{return} "no". 

    \STATE{\textbf{return} "no"}


enter image description here