[Tex/LaTex] Specify italic font for PDFlaTeX


For my PDFlaTeX document I`d like to use roboto slab light for the main text and roboto in titles. I am having the following problems:

  1. if I set roboto slab light as main font, then I do not know how to set roboto for titles only. I try to do that with \sffamily, but it does not work. What I get is a document written completely in roboto slab light (incl. titles)
  2. roboto slab light is that it does not have italics – how to specify a different font (e.g. roboto) to be used with \textit and \emph{}?

Here an example:

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt, english]{report}
\usepackage[rm, light]{roboto} %this makes roboto slab light the main document font

\titleformat*{\section}{\sffamily\Large} %with sffamily I try to set roboto regular as section title font

\section{I need to be in roboto font}
I am normal text and need to be in roboto slab light font.
\textit{I am in italics and need a different font, e.g. roboto}

Best Answer

Explicitly load the font definition file, so you'll be able to add some declarations afterwards.

For the section titles, specify the Roboto-LF family.



\input{\encodingdefault RobotoSlab-TLF.fd}



\section{I need to be in roboto font}

I am normal text and need to be in roboto slab light font.
\textit{I am in italics and need a different font, e.g. roboto}

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