[Tex/LaTex] Spanish and english bibliography references in the same document using \bibliographystyle{dcu}


I've written a latex document with bibliography references in spanish and english. I wanted to know if there is way to cite in both languages. I mean, I wanted cites like:

"Author1 and Author2 (year1)" and

"Author3 y Author4 (year2)"

in the same document.

The code below show what I've done, it just produces references in english.



\lhead{\textsc{Bibliograf\'ia}} % Change the page header to say "Bibliografía"
\bibliographystyle{dcu} % Use the "dcu" BibTeX style for formatting the Bibliography
\bibliography{Bibliography.bib} % The references (bibliography) information are stored in the file named "Bibliography.bib"


Best Answer

The template is obsolete. An updated version can be found on latextemplates.com. It uses the new features of package biblatex, where it is very easy to do what you want.


Wombats are cool \autocite{sigfridsson}

Paulo est un canard \autocite{bertram}

Soy un peng\"uino. \autocite{companion}

Ich spreche alle Sprachen \autocite{brandt}
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