[Tex/LaTex] Space between \hline\hline in `longtable`


I'm trying to use one longtable in my thesis while all others are created with table and tabular environment.
I tried to find help visiting this link. But there only one type of table (longtable) is used.

The first lines (between %and %) in my preamble are copied from the link above. If I don't use them the code works but at the same time there's no space between the \hline\hline anymore. If I only use the longtable or put the longtable first, the code can be compiled.
But the order represented in this extract represents the order in my thesis.

If I don't use the colortbl respectively xcolor with the option table it works fine. But I don't know how I can color my rows without using this package. But I need the space between the two lines to separate different categories.

Thanks for your help.

\textbf{Component} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Flight segment [\%]}} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Passenger segment [\%]}} \\ \hline
1 & 20 & 80 \\ \hline \hline
2 & 10 & 90 \\ \hline
\caption{Caption 2}
\textbf{Mass component} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Techfactor}} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Reason}} \\ \hline
A lot of text & a lot of text & a lot of text \\ \hline
A lot of text & a lot of text & a lot of text \\ \hline
A lot of text & a lot of text & a lot of text \\ \hline \hline
A lot of text & a lot of text & a lot of text \\ \hline
A lot of text & a lot of text & a lot of text \\ \hline \hline
A lot of text & a lot of text & a lot of text \\ \hline
\caption{Caption 1}
Text text text.


Best Answer

  • If the problem is only drawing \hline\hline in a long table, then a simple solution would be hhline{===} (in the case of the table with three columns) from package hhline
  • off topic:
    • It is sufficient to load xcolor paclage exclusively, which is supersede of color package and its option table calls colortbl;
    • Long table is default centered, so encapulating it in \begin{center} ... \end{center} is superfluous;
    • Captions, especially in the case of long tables, should be on the top of them, not at the bottom;

enter image description here


\usepackage{longtable, makecell, multirow, tabularx}
    \caption{Caption 1}                       \\
\thead{Mass component}  & \thead{Techfactor} &  \thead{Reason}  \\
A lot of text & a lot of text & a lot of text \\ \hline
A lot of text & a lot of text & a lot of text \\ \hline
A lot of text & a lot of text & a lot of text \\
A lot of text & a lot of text & a lot of text \\ \hline
A lot of text & a lot of text & a lot of text \\
A lot of text & a lot of text & a lot of text \\ \hline
Text text text.