[Tex/LaTex] smooth curved arrow in flowchart


I am new to latex with a very little idea in tikzpicture or pgfplots, so you know what would happen…
Please help me with the following flowchart-type diagram. Here the cartesian plot is a regular X vs Y plot that should be generated with a supplied table, for now, with coordinats {(0,0) (1,1)}. Thanks.


Best Answer

Would this be fair for a start... The proposal starts with a couple of style definitions, then place the various nodes cetering the polygon via above left, below right etc, etc., lastly, connect the nodes with lines that also has a style definition.

Reference: Is it possible to change the size of an arrowhead in TikZ/PGF?

enter image description here



\tikzset{poly7/.style={draw=blue!30,fill=blue!30,minimum size=2cm,regular polygon,regular polygon sides=7,scale=0.5},
rect/.style={draw=blue!20, fill=blue!20,rectangle, minimum height=1cm,rounded corners},
line/.style={draw,solid,line width=2mm,-{Latex[length=4mm]},rounded corners}

% create the node

\node[poly7] (a) {\color{red} My Text2};
\node[rect, above right=0.3cm and1cm of a] (b) {\color{red} My Text 0};
\node[below left=0.1cm and 1.5cm of a] (c){};
\path[color=blue,line] (b.west) -| node[above right](){\tiny My Text 1} (a.north);
\path[color=green!40!brown,line] (c.west) |- node[above right](){\color{black}\tiny My Text 3} (a.west);
\node(sin) at (axis cs:-1,1){};
\addplot [red]  coordinates{(0,0) (2,2)};
\path[color=green!40!brown,line] ([xshift=0.1cm]a.east)-- node[above,sloped](){\color{black}\tiny Predict}(sin);
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